Friday, September 2, 2011

Better Together

Thanks to God's timely and magnificent will, this group is born! He gave us a vision for a mom's group and here is the beginning of that vision carried out! This group is meant to be a resource for moms of all ages and stages. We want to be able to reach out to our community and help meet the needs that moms often have as they navigate this interesting and often surprising road called motherhood. You will notice the calendar of events on the right panel- we are meeting the first & third Thursdays of the month- beginning with the 3rd Thursday in September.
Mamas, it is our prayer that you come away feeling refreshed- knowing that you are not the only person cleaning up diaper explosions when you realize the wipies have just run out.... that you're not the only one who has had to leave a store because your screaming toddler was testing the acoustics in the building.... that you're not alone when you know that somehow you want to savor every moment of your child's antics, even when you haven't had 5 minutes to yourself in a week.  Can anyone else out there relate? Moms, we are here to journey onward and upward... together!